The best leaders are attuned to themselves and their relationships with others - they understand who they are as leaders, what their strengths and weaknesses are in a role, and how they affect followers. ~Robert Kelley
Leadership is Everybody’s Business. Whether you’re a parent, or whether you’re the president.
I want to ask you a question. As a Leader, are you a thermostat setting the temperature? Or are you a thermometer reflecting the temperature?
It’s important to understand those two distinctions: A thermometer picks up on the anxiety, the anxiousness, what’s going on, and it reflects it. A thermostat stays steady, sets it, and it stays there.
What we need today in our society, are people who are self-differentiating … like a thermostat … it knows where its going, it stays steady, it doesn’t move.
Your people, whether their your children, your employees, your constituents are asking three questions:
1. Do you know where you’re going?
2. Can you get us there?
3. Will you honor us along the way?
As a Leader, you need to understand Who You Are, What’s Your Design, How Do You Do What You Do, Why Do You Do What You Do, How Do You Behave … That’s very important, because that will tell us how you’re going to be as a Leader, how you’re going to set the temperature.
I want to help you understand how to be that kind of Leader. Self-differentiated. Not affected by what’s going on, but able to move people to a better place.
What Others Say About the
McKnight Leadership Group

David McKnight possesses not only the knowledge, but also the experience and skills needed to assist individuals in discovering where their strengths lie. In turn, he motivates them to use those strengths to enhance job success and satisfaction, while improving individual and organizational performance.
He has worked with Fortune 500 Companies, many other large and small businesses, as well as non-profits, churches, and the United States Army.
David McKnight's educational background is Bethel University, Bethel Seminary, and the University of Minnesota. He also has Meditation Training from the Minnesota State Bar and the Mennonites. He is M-CORE Certified and SIMA Certified. He is also proficient in StrengthFinder 2.0, Emotional Intelligence, and StandOut.
The counsel and advice you have given me has transformed my life and career…the report you did on my strengths has become a tool I will use the rest of my life! ~Kenneth Beaudry, CEO Beaudry Oil and Propane
David McKnight was transformational. He helped two key individuals, heading up a critical project, overcome their differences and bring strengths to bear as a team. This resulted in the optimum outcome for the project. ~David Moulder, Family Readiness Program for the US Army
We now utilize this process with David’s skills and design to help our company hire people as well as serve our clients. ~Robert Roddy, QA Investment Services
David McKnight
David McKnight
CEO & President
McKnight Leadership Group
St Paul, Minnesota
(612) 990-6604